Acronym 3A-MP3TS-OLV Modular Tec Sys Peripheral Pocket Gen. 1 Third Arm (3A) Color: White WR Zip MP3TS is a Third Arm card wallet. Minimalist in design, its body is constructed of TEC SYS webbing. As such, it can be affixed to any ǍCROŇYMř TS or M product in an almost endless variety of ways. Its central divider sleeve is made of transparent X-PAC and can hold either cards or coins. Delimited. Autarchic. MOLLE / PALS compatible. Fabric technology TEC SYS WEBBING (100% Polyamide) TEC SYS GURTBAND (100% Polyamid) Sizing FORMAT: _ [ + 11 × 7.5 cm ] Weight: 30g (Including removable parts) Systems ǍCROŇYMř TEC SYS TEC SYS GRID: Rows: 2 Channels: 6 Subsystems Modular: _Slotted Loop Pockets: 2 _External: 1 _Internal: 1 Includes Slotted Loops: 4 [ Removable ] Interface with All ǍCROŇYMř Tec Sys [ TS ] bags and garments All ǍCROŇYMř 3RD ARM Modular [ M ] pockets 몰리 시스템이 적용된 아이템들과 결합이 용이 합니다. #acronym, #아크로님, #3A-MP3TS-OLV
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